

Migrate / Canada / Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) / Quebec


Canada shares federal and provincial authority over immigration. According to the Constitution, the federal government has more control over immigration than the provinces. As a result, throughout Canada's history, the federal government has taken the lead in integrating and integrating immigrants.

Quebec, however, is the province with the most immigration authority; the province gradually increased its immigration authority from the federal government.

The selection of all skilled immigrants to Quebec is now their responsibility. These immigrants must be admitted, according to the federal authorities.

What are Quebec's Economic Immigration Programs ?

Being the only province in Canada where French is the only official language makes Quebec special. Quebec places a strong priority on French language proficiency when selecting immigrants in order to preserve its unique status. While speaking French well increases one's chances of moving to Quebec, one can still qualify for the province's immigration programs without knowing the language.

Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP)

Foreign nationals who wish to immigrate through the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) must first express their interest in immigrating to Quebec by filling out an expression of interest (EOI) form through an online portal, similar to the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSW) under the Express Entry system. People are regularly chosen from the pool of applicants by the Ministere de l'Immigration, de la Franciscation et de l'Integration (MIFI) and invited to apply for permanent selection.

QSWP Eligibility

Candidates must score high enough on the Quebec Immigration selection grid to be qualified for a CSQ under the QSWP.

This grid is composed of nine factors :

  • Education;
  • Work Experience;
  • Age;
  • Knowledge of French and English;
  • Stay and Family in Quebec;
  • Validated job offer;
  • Spouse's characteristics;
  • Presence of children;
  • Ability to be financially independent.

According to this system, a candidate who is single (unmarried) must receive at least 50 points, whereas a candidate who is married or living with a common-law partner needs at least 59 points.

Quebec's Expression of Interest System

Whether they are from outside or are already in the province, skilled immigrants are chosen via the EOI system, which is a two-step procedure.

The initial step in applying for permanent immigration to Arrima is to submit an electronic expression of interest. With the use of this pre-screening procedure, the government is able to rate potential applicants according to factors relating to their human capital and the labour market.

The government's second stage is to regularly choose the top applicants from the pool and invite them to apply for permanent immigration. Numerous variables affect your odds of winning an invitation in the drawings. These include the annual admission goals set by the government, its capacity for processing applications, the candidates rankings in the pool, the existence of job offers, and the targeted professions at the time of each draw.

QSWP Selection Factors

The Quebec Immigration selection factors are as follows :

Factors Points
Education Up to 14 points (Cutoff Score = 2 points)
Area of Training Up to 12 points
Validated Employment offer Up to 14 points
Work Experience Up to 8 points
Age Up to 16 points
Language Proficiency Up to 22 points
Stay and Family in Quebec Up to 8 points
Spouse/Common-law partner Characteristics Up to 17 points
Presence of Accompanying Children Up to 8 points
Financial Self-Sufficiency 1 point

QSWP Processing Fees

The following processing charges are in force for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program as of January 1, 2022 :

Applicant Fees
Principal Applicant CAD $844
Spouse, de facto spouse CAD $181
Each dependent child CAD $181

Quebec Immigration : Quebec Experience Program (PEQ)

The Quebec Experience Program (Programme de l'experience quebecoise, or PEQ) offers international graduates and people with job experience in Quebec a quick route to get a Quebec selection certificate, which is a requirement for getting the federal government's permanent residency. The Quebec-Canada Agreement, in force since April 1991 and granting Quebec the power to choose its economic immigrants in the skilled worker category, makes Quebec's situation distinct from that of other Canadian provinces.

The PEQ was established by the Ministere de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Integration (MIFI) with the intention of ensuring that Quebec society would benefit from the contributions of people who had already lived in the province for a while, were already well integrated, and were familiar with and shared its values. The government aims to accomplish its immigration goals as well as to ameliorate Quebec's challenging demographic situation by making it simpler for employers to hire young graduates of Quebec educational institutions as well as foreigners who are currently in the province.

How does the immigration process work with the PEQ ?

You can apply for one of the two streams of the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) based on your circumstances :

  • Temporary Foreign Workers
  • Quebec Graduates

Here are the steps to follow to submit an application to the PEQ :

Step 1 : Fill out the application for permanent selection that best fits your circumstances from among the two available.
Step 2 : Gather the supporting paperwork listed on the application.
Step 3 : is to register on the Arrima platform.
Step 4 : Submit your entire application package via Arrima for permanent selection.
Step 5 : Pay the processing fees for your application.

Applications that are complete will be processed by the Quebec Ministry of Immigration in six months. When the entire application, fees, and supporting documents are received, the time period starts.

Eligibility Criteria for Temporary Foreign Workers

If any of the following apply to temporary foreign workers working in Quebec :

  • Have a legal status in Quebec as a temporary worker or as a participant in a youth exchange program like International Experience Canada (IEC);
  • Have stayed temporarily in Quebec for work purposes;
  • Have had full-time work experience in Quebec for at least 24 months of the 36 months prior to the submission of an application; (Working Holiday, Young Professionals or International Co-op Internship).
  • Have a job at the time you apply.

Language requirements

Show a final transcript attesting to the successful completion of at least three years of full-time secondary or post-secondary study completed entirely in French (including the master's and doctoral theses, if applicable); or

Show that they have satisfied the French language requirements of the professional order governing their occupation in Quebec.

Prove French ability by taking a standardized language test recognized by the Government of Quebec. Under the PEQ, spouses of principal applicants must demonstrate spoken French proficiency.

Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs

The pilot projects in Quebec were created to assist the government in locating the talent it requires in a number of fields where there is currently a labour shortage. Under each of the three pilot initiatives, the Ministere de l Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Integration (MIFI) intends to give Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) to up to 600 principal applicants and their family members yearly.
All three pilot programs will be in effect until January 1, 2026.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in Food Processing

This pilot program offers temporary foreign workers who have positions that are acceptable in the food processing industry a route to permanent immigration.

From November 3, 2021 through December 31, 2022, or up to the maximum number of applications can be received, is the applicant intake period.

General Requirements

  • Have met the requirements for your stay in Quebec;
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Intend to settle in Quebec to work;
  • Have met the requirements for your age;
  • Be able to show financial self-sufficiency for at least the first three months after arriving in Quebec. Education Requirements
  • Have completed a full-time program of study for at least a year and have a diploma equating to at least a high school diploma or a Quebec vocational diploma.

Work Experience Requirements

  • Hold a full-time job in an eligible sector in Quebec; or
  • Have worked in an eligible, full-time, paid job for a period of at least 24 months in Quebec in an eligible sector during the 36 months preceding the date of application;
  • The work experience or job must be in one of two eligible sectors under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) of the Government of Canada :
    - NAICS 311 - Food manufacturing; or
    - NAICS 3121 - Beverage manufacturing

Language Requirements

Demonstrate knowledge of French corresponding to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Echelle quebecoise des niveaux de competence en francais des personnes immigrantes adultes, or equivalent.

Targeted Occupations

The work experience or currently held job must correspond to one of the following occupations under the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

  • NOC 6732 – Specialized cleaner
  • NOC 8431 – General farm worker, but only in the position of chicken catcher
  • NOC 9461 – Process control and machine operator, food and beverage processing
  • NOC 9462 – Industrial butcher and meat cutter, poultry preparer and related worker
  • NOC 9463 – Fish and seafood plant worker
  • NOC 9617 – Labourer in food and beverage processing
  • NOC 9618 – Labourer in fish and seafood

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies

For persons who are already residing in Quebec and employed as orderlies, nurses assistants, or patient service associates, this pilot program offers a road to Canadian permanent resident status. The following two streams make up this program :

  • Work
  • Work-Study

The application intake period is from November 3, 2021 to December 31, 2022, or until the maximum number of applications to receive has been reached. General Requirements for Both Streams

  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Intend to settle in Quebec to work;
  • Have met the conditions of your stay in Quebec;
  • Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for at least the first three months following your arrival in Quebec.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of French corresponding to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Echelle quebecoise des niveaux de compétence en francais des personnes immigrantes adultes, or equivalent.

Work Stream – Specific Conditions

Education Requirements

  • Hold a diploma related to the occupation of orderly obtained after completing a full-time program of study of at least one year;
  • The diploma must correspond to a diploma of vocational studies (DEP) in Quebec.

Work Experience Requirements

  • At least 24 months of work experience as orderly in Quebec in the 36 months preceding the date of application; or
  • At least 12 months in a health occupation related to basic personal care outside Quebec and at least 12 months as orderly in Quebec during the 36 months preceding the date of application;
  • Work experience must have been legally acquired, paid and full-time.

Targeted Occupations

The work experience or currently held job must correspond to the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) code :

  • NOC 3413 – Nurse aide, orderly and patient service associate.

Alternatively, the work experience may have been acquired outside of Quebec in an occupation other than the one cited above, it must correspond to one of the following NOC codes :

  • NOC 3011 – Nursing coordinator and supervisor
  • NOC 3012 – Registered nurse and registered psychiatric nurse
  • NOC 3124 – Allied primary health practitioner
  • NOC 3233 – Licensed practical nurse
  • NOC 4412 – Home support worker, housekeeper and related occupations
  • NOC 4412 – Home support worker, housekeeper and related occupations

Work-Study Stream- Specific Conditions

Education Requirement

  • In the 24 months before to the date the application is submitted, have earned a Quebec diploma of vocational studies (DEP) leading to the practise of the ordered occupation;
  • Candidates must have earned a secondary diploma in vocational studies and have successfully completed the Institutional and Home Care Assistance Program in order to be eligible for the work-study program.

Work Experience Requirement

  • Applicants must meet the following requirements :
  • Have at least 12 months of orderly work experience in Quebec, accrued within the 24 months prior to the application date and following the date the program of study was completed;
  • Work experience must have been legally obtained, paid, and full-time;
  • After finishing their program of study, applicants must be hired by a Quebec employer and obtain a work permit.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in the Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies and Visual Effects Sectors

This permanent immigration pilot program intends to draw and keep international talent working in Quebec's technology sector and artificial intelligence graduates from Quebec universities who also have job offers from Quebec employers.

The program is divided into two streams :

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Information technology and Visual Effects (IT/VE)

In the AI industry, this program seeks to hire 300 Quebec graduates and temporary workers, and 300 foreigners in the IT/VE sector.
The application intake period is from November 3, 2021 to December 31, 2022, or until the maximum number of applications to receive has been reached.

General Requirements for Both Streams

  • Have reached the requirements of your stay in Quebec, if applicable;
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Plan to relocate to Quebec to work;
  • Prove your ability to support yourself for at least the first three months after moving to Quebec.

Language Requirements for Both Streams

Both streams in this program include a French-speaker and a non-French-speaker profile.

  • Those selected under the French-speaker profile must demonstrate knowledge of French corresponding to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle quebecoise des niveaux de competence en francais des personnes immigrantes adultes, or equivalent.
  • Those selected under the Non-French-Speaker profile will automatically be enrolled in a free, personalized program called "Accompagnement Quebec" designed to facilitate the process of integration into Quebec society and support in learning French.

Artificial Intelligence Stream - Specific Conditions

Foreign Workers

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  • Possess a degree that is equivalent to a Quebec bachelor's degree and two years of full-time work experience in level 0, A, or B jobs as defined by the National Occupational Classification; or
  • Possess a degree that is equivalent to a Quebec master's or PhD and hold or have accepted a position in the AI sector in Quebec. If the employer is based outside the Metropolitan Montréal Community, the gross annual pay for the position must be at least $75,000; if based inside the Metropolitan Montréal Community, it must be at least $100,000.

Quebec Graduates

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  • Hold or have accepted a full-time job in Quebec in the AI sector.
  • Candidates who hold a diploma of higher specialised studies (DESS) must have held a full-time job in a level 0, A, or B according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) for at least 6 months after completing their studies.
  • Have lived in Quebec as a student.

Information Technology and Visual Effects Stream - Specific Conditions

Education Requirement

Have a diploma equivalent to a Quebec diploma of college studies - technical training, or a Quebec bachelor's degree.

Work Experience Requirement

  • Have or accept a full-time eligible job with an hourly wage that is equal to the maximum wage of the average wage for your occupation as listed on the Emploi-Québec website.
  • Have held an eligible full-time work for at least two years.

Targeted Occupations

The job or work experience must fall under one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) categories :

  • NOC 0213 – Computer and information systems manager
  • NOC 2133 – Electrical and electronics engineer
  • NOC 2171 – Information systems analyst and consultant
  • NOC 2173 – Software engineer and designer
  • NOC 2174 – Computer programmer and interactive media developer
  • NOC 2241 – Electrical and electronics engineering technologist and technician
  • NOC 2281 – Computer network technician
  • NOC 5131 – Producer, director, choreographer and related occupations,
  • NOC 5225 – Audio and video recording technician,
  • NOC 5241 – Graphic designer and illustrator



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